Te Wao Nui invites us all to play a role as kaitiaki (guardians) for our unique wildlife and wild places.


Visit Te Wao Nui at Auckland Zoo

Encompassing one fifth of the Zoo, Te Wao Nui offers both locals and tourists a truly unique experience of New Zealand’s animals, plants and culture in a way that has never been done before anywhere, and all in one location at Auckland Zoo. Explore 6 different regions of Aotearoa, from picturesque alpines to dense night forests.


Takutai (The Coast)

In Te Wao Nui, The Coast represents New Zealand’s iconic coastal habitat. Throughout this habitat, the unique plants of the coast grow amongst the dunes and rocks, while little penguins and New Zealand fur seals explore the waters. The human influence is evident through a boatshed that illustrates our strong connection with nature and our need to respect it.


Moutere Rāhui (The Islands)

In Te Wao Nui, The Islands represents these accidental sanctuaries and highlights the active efforts to create new ones. Antipodes Island parakeets exemplify the adaptive qualities of the animals who called these islands home. The tuatara resides here too, an iconic New Zealander who still needs our help to survive.


Te Pō (The Night)

In The Night, Te Wao Nui’s nocturnal habitat, visitors can explore the hidden world and uncover the incredibly unique animals that inhabit it. Entering through a cave, The Night is lit by the stars of a matariki sky. Alongside the kiwi and ruru, we will introduce our invertebrate species, while inanga and kokopu will reveal the truth about the fish commonly known as whitebait.


Nga Repo (The Wetlands)

Te Wao Nui’s The Wetlands recreates one of these special habitats. A towering waterfall cascades down the rock face, flowing into a pool that is home to many of our unique wading birds. Plant species, instantly recognisable to many will also feature here; from flax to manuka to kahikatea and the cabbage tree (tï köuka).


Te Wao Nui a Tāne (The Forest)

The Forest habitat in Te Wao Nui celebrates our forests and the birds that call it home. From the kākā and kūkupa (also known as kererū) to the kākāriki and tui, these birds have long been icons of our wildlife.


Whenua Waotu (The High Country)

The High Country in Te Wao Nui, gives visitors the chance to come face-to-face with the South Island's most famous resident, the kea. The streams throughout this habitat are the ideal home for whio (blue duck), whose sole habitat is New Zealand’s fast flowing streams.

For many years Auckland Zoo’s work conserving New Zealand’s native species has taken place behind the scenes. Te Wao Nui opens the door on this work that we do - both on-site and out in the wild, and will bring to the fore the Zoo’s many important conservation partnerships. Te Wao Nui also sees us increasing our efforts for Aotearoa native species.

As kiwi are nocturnal, our kiwi live in The Night where it is dark. This means it may take your eyes time to adjust, and it could be harder to see the kiwi. Take your time and look closely for movement.

Areas of construction have hoardings or fencing surrounding them, and our Zoo map clearly shows which areas these are and what pathways are accessible to you. Our fabulous volunteers, the friendly folk in red, are also out in force to help you.