How do you create exceptional habitats for wildlife? Using the best in science and habitat design, experts from Aotearoa and around the world are brought together to create the new South East Asia Jungle Track.

In our 4-part series 'The Science of Care : South East Asia Jungle Track' we follow the design, construction and opening of the animal habitats which make up the incredible new track. Set in the heart of Auckland Zoo, and covering one fifth of our footprint, this is biggest project in our nearly 100-year history. 

In Episode 1 we showcase our High Canopy habitat - a complex and enriching new home for orangutans and siamang that caters for their natural arboreal behaviours. Episode 2 looks at the creation of the Swamp Forest - a climate-controlled tropical dome that is home to Sunda gharial crocodiles, fish and other reptiles, and Episodes 3 & 4 will follow the creation of the dynamic habitats for Sumatran tigers and Asian small clawed otters at The Lowlands. 

Guiding us through the series are various experts from our zoo's Animal Care and Conservation, and Zoo Environment, Design and Construction teams, as well as our skilled design and construction partners that we are working with to envision this incredible world-leading track. 


Ep 1 - The High Canopy

In this episode, we follow the Auckland Zoo team as they work to create the High Canopy habitat - an immersive new home for orangutans and siamangs.


Ep 2 - The Swamp Forest

In this episode, we follow the creation of the Swamp Forest - a climate-controlled tropical dome that is home to Sunda gharial crocodiles, fish and other reptiles